Explore Germany Vocational Training Program
MEA License Number: Delhi/Company/5817722/2023

Training and Counselling Services Agreement

This Agreement is executed as perthe date mentioned on the enrolment form at New Delhi, by and between:

M/s Genrise Global StaffingPrivate Limited, a company duly incorporated under the Indian Companies Act,1956, having its registered office at 10, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash-2, NewDelhi – 110048, hereinafter referred to as "Genrise"),


TheCandidate, whose details are provided in the duly signed enrolmentform by him/her and who has accepted the terms and conditions of the agreementand agreed to the scope of services by signing the commercial annexure specificto their chosen program (hereinafter referred to as "Candidate").


A. Genrise is engaged in providing skill development, training, guidance, and necessarysupport to Indian candidates to pursue their careers abroad.

B. The Candidate has approached Genrise for the requisite training and career guidanceto pursue a career overseas.


1.      Aboutthe Program


GENRISEprovides counselling, guidance and necessary training including but not limitedto the foreign language training, special exam training, mock exams, domaintraining, behavioral training, essay writing, motivation letter writing, anddocumentation process guidance to the aspiring candidates.

a. LanguageTraining: Specialized foreign language training up to the requisiteproficiency level, monitored by experts. Candidates will also receive exampreparation classes, mock exams, and proficiency evaluations.

b. DomainTraining: Candidates will receive basic domain-specific training in theirfield of interest, including behavioral attributes training and skills neededfor career progression.

c. Job/CourseApplication Assistance: Guidance on the application process, including CVpreparation, translation, motivation essay writing, and assistance in applyingto various institutes abroad.

d.  ProgramEnrolled & Scope of Services: As per the details outlined in the signedAnnexure by the candidate.

e.Trainingand Counselling Services Fees – Candidate agrees to pay the fees asmentioned in the duly signed commercial annexure for the scope of servicesdefined in this agreement. Payments will be accepted throughRTGS/NEFT/Electronic Transfer/Demand Draft payable at New Delhi in the name of“Genrise Global Staffing Private Limited” only.

f. ThirdParty Expenses - Anythird-party expenses such as exam fees to the apex exam conducting body, thirdparty document translation, attestation or authentication are excluded from theGenrise Program fees. Candidates understand these charges are independent ofthe scope of services and must be paid by them directly to the third party asand when they become due.




a.The candidate will not be entitled or eligiblefor any refund of the fee paid by him if he / she leaves the program due to anyreason at any moment of time. The candidate is liable to pay full fee beforecommencement of the specified milestone.

b. The candidate will not be entitled or eligiblefor any refund of the fee paid by him if the documents submitted are found tobe forged and/or incomplete.

c. The candidate will not be entitled or eligiblefor any refund of the fee paid by him if he/she avails the services and is notwilling to apply for course/job in the foreign country.

d. The candidate will not be entitled or eligiblefor any refund of the fee paid by him if after the completion of foreignlanguage and cultural training, he /she does not clears the required foreignlanguage exam.

e. The organisation reserves the right to changethe fee or the policy guidelines for any program as deemed fit at any time. Thefee applicable at the time of payment of Registration Amount by the candidatewill be levied.

f. In case candidate is not able to clear theGENRISE internal assessments/exams or Goethe level assessment, they shall notbe promoted to next level of the language training. In such a scenario,candidates shall have the option to avail refresher/ bridge level wise languagecourse on payment basis. Cost of such refresher/ bridge courses shall beadditional to Genrise fees as agreed and shall be communicated separately tothe candidates before commencement of those courses.

g. Genrise shall not be liable for failures tofulfill its duties in situations beyond its control, such as a force majeure,pandemics such as COVID 19 and/or similar events, strikes, changes in Indian orforeign country laws related to the vocational training. In case of such anevent, all the fees shall be refunded to the candidate except the training feespaid for the Language training


3. Admission

a. Admission to a program depends upon fulfillingthe eligibility criteria for that particular program.

b. Admission to any program is non-transferable toany other individual.

c. It is the sole responsibility of the candidateto keep updating the information provided at the time of admission to GENRISE.This includes the correspondence/mailing address, phone number, and e-mail ID.



a.      An admission is deemed to be complete only ifthe enrolment form is duly filled, a photograph is attached, and the form issigned by the candidate/guardian.

b.      Filling up of the enrolment form by a personother than the candidate is not desirable. In case someone else is filling upthe form on behalf of the candidate, it is preferred that the person is theguardian. The candidate is required to attest the guardian’s signature beforestarting the course.



a. In order to achieve the desired progress, it ismandatory for a candidate to attend classes regularly. It is imperative thatevery candidate has at least 75% attendance during the entire duration of theprogram.

b. If a candidate needs to take leave for aspecific period for a genuine reason, he/she needs to inform the faculty andGENRISE accordingly through an e-mail.

c. Adjustments for the sessions can be made beforeleave is taken, so that the candidate does not end up missing any part of thecourse. If any candidate is absent without notice for 7 consecutive sessions,the management reserves the right to take his/her name off the rolls.

d. In case of irregular attendance, the respectiveparent/guardian might be informed; and for those who are short of attendancewithout any valid reason, the management reserves the right to debar them fromthe rest of the program.

6. ClassDiscipline

Every faculty will play the role of a friend andmentor; and not a strict disciplinarian. However, in order to make the coursefruitful for all candidates, basics of discipline, such as punctuality andorder, need to be maintained.


7. Validity of Agreement

The agreement shall be valid for one year or tillthe training and counselling services to the candidate are not completed byGenrise, whichever is earlier and may be extended further with mutualunderstanding. In case of pre-termination of the agreement for any validreason, GENRISE is not liable to refund any amount paid by the candidate.


8.      Settlementof Disputes

The parties shall put all their endeavours towardssettling the disputes and differences amicably. In case of failure to resolvethe disputes amicably, the same shall be referred to arbitration in accordancewith the provisions of International Council of Alternate Dispute Resolution(AICADR). Seat of arbitration shall be in New Delhi and Courts of Delhi wouldhave exclusive jurisdiction and language shall be in English.


Declaration: The candidate hereby declares and acknowledgesthat he/she has read and agrees to all the terms and conditions listed above,with the duly signed commercial annexure.